Christmas Movie Writer Starter Kit (thumbnail)

Do you love Christmas TV movies?

Why not write one of your own?

This way, you could fill:

  • the world with hope that functions as a buffer against stress and uncertainty
  • your home with the warmth of the Christmas spirit year-round (not just in December…or July)
  • your pocketbook with extra income made by applying your creativity
  • your heart with the joy of writing in a genre that delights you so much

The Christmas Movie Writer Starter Kit will show you what to do, step by step (even if you have zero screenwriting experience), OR you could adapt the advice in the kit to write a Christmas romance novel that really hits the mark.

Treat yourself to the Christmas Kit now, save 25%*, and get started on your cute & cozy Christmas movie (or novel) today!

Story Structure Worksheet for Screenwriters & Novelists

Story Structure Worksheet from Scribe Meets World

You are not alone. Story structure gives every writer a headache.

Fortunately, I’ve got something that’s better than aspirin. (It’s free too.)

It’s called the Ultimate Story Structure Worksheet.

It will walk you, step by step, through the process of plotting your next screenplay (or novel).

At 18 pages, it’s comprehensive, but not overwhelming.

With it, you’ll be able to complete your screenplay, knowing that its structure is sturdier than Stonehenge.

Specifically, the worksheet includes questions and checklists to help you craft:

  • a logline in less than 10 minutes
  • an inciting incident that engages audiences right away
  • a midpoint with meaning
  • an Act Two ending with emotional impact
  • a badass climax
  • a screenplay with commercial appeal–and–minimal amateur mistakes

I created the Ultimate Story Structure Worksheet because I remember how much trouble screenplay structure gave me when I first started to study screenwriting.

But then, after I had a few of those “a-ha” moments, writing a screenplay became so much easier!

I want the process to be easy for you, too.

Download the Ultimate Story Structure Worksheet and never fear story structure again!

Download the Ultimate Story Structure Worksheet

If you love this worksheet, I would love it if you would:

  • come back here and leave a comment about your experience
  • share it with your fellow writers (you can click here to tweet about it right now)
  • link to this post if you have a blog of your own

As always, I wish you much success on your writing journey.

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Mateo October 3, 2013, 1:02 pm

    I like it. I tried to fill things whit my action script i actually started to write a year ago and it is very useful.

    • scribemeetsworld October 4, 2013, 12:30 pm

      Hi Mateo,

      I’m so happy that the Worksheet is useful to you!

      Good luck with your action script. I hope everything in your life aligns perfectly so you can finish it this year 🙂

  • Dee October 11, 2013, 7:49 pm

    Thank you for this awesome worksheet. I think it’s a great guide for beginning to structure any screenplay. It is helping me take my ideas and thoroughly flesh them out. Simply, a wonderful tool for screenwriters!

    • scribemeetsworld October 14, 2013, 6:13 pm

      Hi Dee,

      I’m so glad that the Structure Worksheet is helping you! I hope it helps you discover “the gold” in all of your ideas. Good luck!

  • patricia Stirnkorb November 12, 2013, 7:18 pm

    I’ve clicked three times and can’t access the report on the Structure Worksheet… problems internal?

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