Looking for a good story to curl up with, this summer? Find one in this catalogue, which features writers in the Scribe Meets World community. Includes a thriller praised by Lee Child, a historical mystery praised by Stuart Turton, and a humorous anthology praised by David Farland +MORE!!!

Working on the end of a story? It’s vital to pick the perfect resolution for your novel or screenplay. Why? If you get this story structure element wrong, readers will conclude you messed up everything else. How to pick the best ending for your screenplay or novel? Do you have to write a happy ending? Click thru for answers to these plotting questions and more! Good to read if you’re looking for writing tips on: story structure, how to end a novel, how to end a screenplay, the last ten pages.

Worried about how to write the climax of a story? The trick is to keep the tension high. This’ll turn the end of your novel or screenplay into a real nail-biter that keeps readers up all night. Click thru for 5 tips on how to increase the tension at the climax of a story—and learn how to craft a gripping climax that readers will love. Good to read if you’re looking for writing & plotting tips on: story structure, how to outline a novel, how to outline a screenplay, writing satisfying endings.

Confused about the climax of a story? Looking for some basic tips on how to write the ending of a novel or screenplay? Explaining the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story climax, this story structure article has got you covered. Click thru and gain greater understanding into what the climax is, why it matters, and how to make it great.

When plotting out a novel or screenplay, did you use deus ex machina to get your protagonist out of a tight spot? Even though it makes plotting easy, it’s not a plot device you want in your bag of plotting techniques. Why? Readers HATE it. But if you fix deus ex machina with one of the solutions in this plotting article, you can keep your awesome ending while making readers happy. Click thru for plotting advice (with examples) that’ll help you nail the ending of your novel or screenplay!